
Values & Philosophy

GPS is a learning community that provides a safe, healthy and caring environment for everyone. It is expected that we all behave in a way that allows us to learn in a happy, engaging and cooperative environment while demonstrating the GPS values.

  • The aims of the T.E.A.M. Learning Program are:
  • To create a Classroom Learning Plan
  • To create a consistent approach across the school
  • To build a classroom ‘community’
  • To improve the learning culture across the school

The values that form the basis for our learning are –


At the commencement of each year, every class participates in our TEAM Start Up Program (Together Everyone Achieves More). 

The school’s motto, ‘Teaming For Excellence’, emphasises the importance of our school values and working collaboratively to achieve success.


Greensborough Primary prides itself on ensuring that every student in the school is given the opportunity to reach their maximum academic and social potential.

Classroom programs are strategically differentiated to ensure every student is working in their ’zone of proximal development’ and they are given the maximum opportunity to achieve positive academic outcomes and be a successful learner.

From Grades Three to Six students are involved in the Spelling Mastery program which is a research based ‘Direct Instruction’ program which scaffolds the skills and understandings required to be a successful speller. Students are then able to apply these skills in classroom based writing programs.

All students in Grades One to Six are involved in the Magic Maths Program where, for three hours per week, they work in highly focussed, ability based groups. In these groups students develop strong Number skills working through the Scope and Sequence established in the Victorian Curriculum. These skills are then applied in differentiated classroom Applied Number sessions.

The whole school has a common Inquiry focus each term which fosters curiosity, questioning and problem solving skills, whilst also giving students the scope and independence to pursue individual direction and exploration.

Extension programs are offered in Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Visual Arts. Intervention programs are provided to accelerate Literacy outcomes with the Corrective Reading Program and Grade 1/2 Literacy Support programs being highly successful strategies to enhance student confidence and outcomes.

Multi-Age Learning at GPS

At Greensborough Primary School, classes from Year 1 are organised in multi-age groupings that support the school’s strong philosophy of catering for individual development.

Children who begin school are in straight Foundation (Prep) classes. Currently we have one Prep class, two Grade 1/2 classes, two Grade 3/4 classes and two Grade 5/6 classes. The multi-age classroom is composed of children of different ages intentionally grouped for learning.

The multi-age classroom recognises that all children develop and learn at different rates and supports the view that learning is a continuous process, and that we learn from and with other people.

At Greensborough, Multi-Age learning also occurs in the:

Spelling Mastery Program

From Grades 3 to 6, students are involved in the Spelling Mastery program which is a research based ‘Direct Instruction’ program which scaffolds the skills and understandings required to be a successful speller. Students are then able to apply these skills in classroom based writing programs.

Magic Maths Program

All students in Grades 1 to 6 are involved in the Magic Maths Program where, for three hours per week, they work in highly focussed, ability based groups. In these groups students develop strong Number skills working through the Scope and Sequence established in the Victorian Curriculum. These skills are then applied in differentiated classroom Applied Number sessions.

Buddy Program

Our Buddy Program is very popular and our Grade 6 students build a special relationship with our Prep students to promote an easier transition from kindergarten to school. The Buddy Program offers Preps someone who is familiar to them in the school yard and they know their Grade 6 buddy will always look out for them. The Prep and Grade 6 students spend time working together each term, on fun activities. Helping our Preps feel comfortable in our school environment and building great relationships is a high priority at Greensborough Primary School.

Specialist Programs



Physical Education



Extra Curricular

Greensborough Primary School provides students with the opportunity to participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities.

Camping Program

The Camping Program is a sequential program that begins in the Early Years with the Prep/One Breakfast. Students come to their classrooms before school, dressed in their pyjamas, to enjoy a special breakfast with their peers. In Grade Two, the students are invited to a ‘Grade Two Sleepover’ where they sleep over at school and take part in games and activities, as well as involvement in the preparation of their dinner. As students move into Grade Three, they are given the opportunity to attend a 3 day camp with all Grade 3-6 students. These camps are an excellent opportunity to develop independence, resilience, teamwork and develop peer relationships. In the past students have visited Airey’s Inlet, Mt Evelyn, Emerald and Hanging Rock (along with many other destinations) as part of the Camping Program.

Swimming Program

The Swimming Program is held annually in Term Four at Watermarc, just a short walk from the school. All students are invited to participate in an 8 week intensive program that targets student’s individual swimming ability, with small groups and experienced swim instructors.

Private Music Lessons

Private Music Lessons are offered at the school, with many students taking up lessons for keyboard/piano, guitar or drums. An experienced music teacher visits the school each week for small group or individual lessons and the excellent knowledge acquired throughout the year is displayed at the end-of –year concert.

Inter-school Sport

In Term One and Term Two, Grade 4-6 students are involved in Inter-school Sport matches against other local schools. In the summer season, students pick from Basketball, Cricket, Rounders or Bat Tennis. In the winter season, the options change to Netball, AFL, Soccer and Softball. Students wear allocated uniforms and games are played at local schools and sporting grounds.


A tennis coach visits each week for private lunchtime lessons for those interested, with all equipment provided for student use.

Learning Enhancement

Our aim is to offer every child the opportunity to develop to their full potential.


Extension Programs

For gifted students, we provide experiences within the classroom which emphasize higher order thinking skills and concepts. External enrichment programs such as G.A.T.E.ways are also offered.

At Greensborough Primary, we offer Extension Programs in:

  • STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics)
  • Literacy
  • Spelling
  • Visual Art
  • Numeracy



Intervention Programs

Students identified as being at risk are involved in intensive small group teaching to further develop their skills and understandings.

At Greensborough Primary, we offer Intervention Programs in:

  • Maths
  • Spelling
  • Reading


G.A.T.E.WAYS (Gifted and Talented Education) is another program offered to students, with students selected by their teachers for programs that relate to their special skills and talents. For example, students with a talent for Mathematics may be selected to attend a maths program at a specified venue. These programs may run over one or two full days or a number of weeks at a selected time.


Greensborough Primary School is proud to offer the Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP). The Victorian High-Ability Program (VHAP) enables high-ability students to be challenged and extended in a supportive environment. VHAP consists of ten-week online courses in Mathematics and English for both primary and secondary levels. Students engage in synchronous Webex classes with their teachers. They can also engage with the course material on VSV Online outside of the class time.

The VHAP classroom provides students with the opportunity to:

  • explore and express their ideas freely
  • make their own decisions about their work
  • be inspired and challenged by each other
  • gain confidence in their choices and abilities
  • feel excited by their learning

In the VHAP English course, students explore links between reality and fiction by observing the world around us and our journeys into fictional worlds. VHAP English empowers students through cultivating confidence and a willingness to take academic risks.

In the VHAP maths course, students embrace the “why” of maths, not just the “what”. Students and teachers dive into the philosophical implications of a variety of mathematical topics.

There are opportunities for differentiation within the course. Students can choose to work at a pace comfortable for them or be extended.

VHAP promotes development of key skills such as teamwork, collaboration and resilience.

The program is a safe space for high-ability students to stretch their wings, encounter change and challenge, and confront fears around making “mistakes.”

Students who partake in this program at Greensborough Primary School always reflect positively on their experiences and are proud of their achievements.

Tournament of Minds (ToM)

Tournament of Minds (ToM) gives select students from Grades 5 & 6 an opportunity to partake in an International educational program that ‘challenges the world’ to develop creative problem-solving skills. Tournament of Minds (ToM) is a program that gives students the opportunity to solve authentic, open-ended challenges that foster creative, divergent thinking whilst developing collaborative enterprise, excellence and teamwork. Each year, a collaborative Tournament of Mind groups attends La trobe University to present a spontaneous and long-term project related to The Arts, Language Literature, Social Sciences and STEM.

Being a member of Tournament of Minds (Tom) is a fantastic accomplishment for students and one that they look back on fondly.

Additional Programs

Music, Lego, Coding, Tennis, Friendship tree