


Newsletter 09 Sept 2021

Newsletter 26 Aug 2021

Newsletter 12 Aug 2021

Newsletter 29 July 2021

Newsletter 15 July 2021

Newsletter 17 June 2021

Newsletter 03 June 2021

Newsletter 20 May 2021

Newsletter 06 May 2021

Newsletter 22 April 2021

Newsletter 25 March 2021

Newsletter 11 March 2021

Newsletter 25 February 2021

Newsletter 11 February 2021

Newsletter 04 February 2021

Newsletter 17 December 2020

Newsletter 03 December 2020

Newsletter 19 November 2020

Newsletter 05 November 2020

Newsletter 22 October 2020

Newsletter 08 October 2020

Newsletter 17 September 2020

Newsletter 3 September 2020

Newsletter 20 August 2020

Newsletter 07 August 2020

Newsletter 23 July 2020

Newsletter 18 June 2020

Newsletter 4 June 2020

Newsletter 21 May 2020

Newsletter 07 May 2020

Please note that no Newsletters were produced at this time due to Covid-19 Global Pandemic Lock-Down

Newsletter 12 March 2020

Newsletter 27 February 2020

Newsletter 13 February 2020

Newsletter 30 January 2020

Newsletter 19 December 2019

Newsletter 05 December 2019

Newsletter 21 November 2019

Newsletter 7 November 2019

Newsletter 24 October 2019

Newsletter 10 October 2019

Newsletter 12 September 2019

Newsletter 29 August 2019

Newsletter 15 August 2019

Newsletter 1 August 2019

Newsletter 18 July 2019

Newsletter 20 June 2019

Newsletter 6 June 2019

Newsletter 23 May 2019

Newsletter 09 May 2019

Newsletter 24 April 2019

Newsletter 28 March 2019

Newsletter 14 March 2019

Newsletter 28 February 2019

Newsletter 14 February 2019

Newsletter 7 February 2019

Newsletter 20 December 2018

Newsletter 6 December 2018

Newsletter 22 November 2018

Newsletter 8 November 2018

Newsletter 24 October 2018

Newsletter 10 October 2018

Newsletter 13 September 2018

Newsletter 30 August 2018

Newsletter 16 August 2018

Newsletter 2 August 2018

Newsletter 21st June 2018

Term Dates 2021

Term 1

Wednesday, 27 January – Thursday, 01 April
10 weeks

First Day of Term 1: Thursday 28 January 2021

Curriculum Day: Wednesday, 27 January 2021

NESST Curriculum Day: Friday, 05 March 2021

Last Day of Term 1: Thursday 01 April 2021 – Finish Time: 1:30PM

Easter Public Holiday: Friday 02 April 2021

Term 2

Monday, 19 April – Friday, 25 June
10 weeks

First Day of Term 2: Monday 19 April 2021

Curriculum Day: Friday 14 May 2021

Last Day of Term 2: Friday 25 June 2021 – Finish Time: 1:30PM

Term 3

Monday, 12 July – Friday, 17 September
10 weeks

First Day of Term 3: Monday 12 July 2021

Last Day of Term 3: Friday 17 September 2021 – Finish Time: 1:30PM

Term 4

Monday, 04 October – Friday, 17 December
11 weeks

First Day of Term 4: Monday 04 October 2021

School Photo Day: TBC

Curriculum Day: Monday, 01 November 2021

Last Day of Term 4: Friday 17 December 2021 – Finish Time: 1:30PM


Parents & Friends

Parents & Friends forms a vital link between parents, teachers and the school leadership team. By working together as a community, we can create a collective parent voice at School Council, generate funding, improve facilities and provide enriching opportunities for our children and their families.

Parent & Friends ask for a parent from each class to act as a representative, to provide information to other parents and organise classroom contact lists or parent/teacher social events.

One vital role of Parent & Friends in the school community is fundraising, however we do limit the amount of fundraising activities Parent & Friends can run in a year, so as not to overextend the amount they are asking from parents, both in time volunteered and donations made.

Parent & Friends run fundraising raffles and drives, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls for students to purchase gifts, as well as co-ordinating Twilight Sports Night and organising the end of year Christmas Event or other social events.

Other fundraisers are as much about raising student engagement as raising money and include once a term theme days with special food (ie. footy pie day) and the Student Disco.

Attendance at our meetings are optional and they are usually held in the school library (younger siblings of school children are welcome to come along).

Other ways to help out around the school include sorting board games, framing artwork, helping at stalls and BBQs.

You can email Parents & Friends if you would like more information or wish to get involved.

Contact Parents & Friends

13 + 3 =

Out of School Hours Care Program

Greensborough Primary School offers two forms of Out of School Hours Care – a Before and After School Program and a Vacation Care Program. Both programs are operated by OSHClub, who work in partnership with GPS to provide Outside Hours School Care. OSHClub prides itself on providing children with a fun, learning experience. From exciting activities and healthy nutritious food, to caring, motivated team members, the service meets all your children’s needs.

A variety of both indoor and outdoor activities is offered to cater for children’s individual needs and interests. Facilities are also available for children to complete homework assignments. Outside School Hours Care welcomes children from 6.45 am – 8.45 am and 3.30 pm – 6.00 pm.

To assist new early years children to settle into the service:

  • All Prep children are collected from and dropped off at their classroom for their first term, and into term two if required.
  • Activities are planned that accommodate the eeds of the younger children.
  • OSHClub team members will ensure the younger children are supported during the transition period and that they are engaged while at the service.
  • Parents/guardians will receive verbal feedback daily on how their child is adjusting.

Please register your child online.

Service Contact Details: Ph. 0447 868 204


Please visit: for more information.

Prep Transition

At Greensborough Primary School we believe that the transition from Kindergarten to Primary School should be as smooth and enjoyable as possible. In order to assist this we invite future students and their families to attend four Transition sessions in Term 4. During these sessions, the children will have the opportunity to spend some time with their future teacher and other children who are also enrolling. Students participate in engaging activities which familiarise them with the structures and routines of school life. Parents are also invited to Information sessions which are held in the Library. These sessions are designed to give parents an insight into what they can expect from their child’s first year at school.

High School Transition

The move from Primary School to Secondary School can be a big milestone in the life of students, and Greensborough Primary School prides itself on making the Transition from Grade Six to Year Seven as smooth as possible.

Throughout the year, Grade Six students are distributed with information about Open Days, Enrolment and Special Transition Programs at local high schools.

Local Secondary Schools come to visit Grade Five and Six students early in the year, providing information about life at high school, answering questions and presenting videos and photos of the programs offered.

Throughout the year, students in Grade Five and Six visit local schools for special performances, Leadership Days, School Productions etc., to really get a feel for the schools they may be attending.

Towards the end of the year, teachers from local high schools meet with the 5/6 teachers to hand over pertinent academic, social and personal information to ensure the wellbeing of transitioning students.

In December, an Orientation Day is held for all Grade Six students at their new secondary schools, where they can meet their new teachers and peers, learn their way around and experience some of their new subjects.

For further information go to


The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities such as:

  • school camps or trips
  • swimming and school-organised sport programs
  • outdoor education programs
  • excursions and incursions.

Payments are:

  • $125 per year for eligible primary school students
  • $225 per year for eligible secondary school students.

Payments are made directly to the school and are tied to the student. Year 7 and Prep students in government schools who receive the fund are also able to get support for school uniforms. For more information regarding this initiative, see: State Schools’ Relief

Student Health

Head Lice

Parents will be advised if head lice is present in their child’s classroom. If you would like information regarding the treatment and management of head lice please visit:

Infectious Diseases


If your child contracts an infectious disease, he/she must be kept home for the time indicated below:

  • Amoebiasis (Entamoeba histolytica) – Until diarrhoea has ceased.
  • Campylobacter – Until diarrhoea has ceased.
  • Chickenpox – Until fully recovered or for at least 5 days after the eruption first appears. Note that some remaining scabs are not a reason for continued exclusion.
  • Conjunctivitis – Until discharge from eyes has ceased.
  • Cytomegalovirus Infection (CMV) – Exclusion not necessary.
  • Diarrhoea – Until diarrhoea has ceased or until medical certificate of recovery is produced.
  • Diphtheria – Until medical certificate of recovery is received following at least two negative throat swabs, the first not less than 24 hours after finishing a course of antibiotics and the other 48 hours later.
  • Glandular Fever (mononucleosis) – Exclusion not necessary.
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth disease – Until all blisters have dried.
  • Haemophilus type b (Hib) – Until a medical certificate of recovery is received.
  • Hepatitis A – Until a medical certificate of recovery is received, but not before 7 days after the onset of jaundice or illness.
  • Hepatitis B – Exclusion is not necessary.
  • Hepatitis C – Exclusion is not necessary.
  • Herpes (‘cold sores’) – Young children unable to comply with good hygiene practices should be excluded while the lesion is weeping. Lesions to be covered by dressing, where possible.
  • Hookworm – Exclusion is not necessary.
  • Human immuno-deficiency virus infection (HIV/AIDS virus) – Exclusion is not necessary unless the child has a secondary infection.
  • Impetigo (school sores) – Until appropriate treatment has commenced. Sores on exposed surfaces must be covered with a watertight dressing.
  • Influenza and influenza like illnesses – Until well.
  • Leprosy – Until approval to return has been given by the Secretary.
  • Measles – Until at least 4 days after onset of rash.
  • Meningitis (bacteria) – Until well.
  • Meningococcal infection – Until adequate carrier eradication therapy has been completed.
  • Molluscum contagiosum – Exclusion not necessary.
  • Mumps – Exclude for 9 days or until swelling goes down (whichever is sooner).
  • Parvovirus (erythema infectiousum fifth disease) – Exclusion not necessary.
  • Poliomyelitis – Until at least 14 days from onset. Re-admit after receiving medical certificate of recovery.
  • Ringworm, scabies, pediculosis (head lice) – Re-admit the day after appropriate treatment has commenced.
  • Rubella (german measles) – Until fully recovered or for at least four days after the onset of rash.
  • Salmonella, Shigella – Until diarrhoea ceases.
  • Streptococcal infection (inc. scarlet fever) e.g. tonsillitis – Until the child has received antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours and the child feels well.
  • Trachoma – Re-admit the day after appropriate treatment has commenced
  • Tuberculosis – Until receipt of a medical certificate from the treating physician stating that the child is not considered to be infectious.
  • Typhoid fever (inc. paratyphoid fever) – Until approval to return has been given by the Secretary.
  • Whooping cough – Exclude the child for 5 days after starting antibiotic treatment.
  • Worms (intestinal) – Exclude if diarrhoea present.

Greensborough Primary Book Club

At Greensborough Primary School we offer the opportunity to purchase books through Scholastic Book Club. Book Club catalogues are sent home in Term One, Two and Four. All Book Club purchases go towards earning points for our school which we can convert to cash to purchase books and other classroom items. During Term Three we run a Book Fair in conjunction with our Book Week celebrations. Parents and children are offered the opportunity to purchase books during this time.

Books make great Christmas and birthday presents. If you wish your purchase to be a surprise, please make a note on your order to hold the books at the school office for collection, otherwise books will be sent home with students.

Simply fill in your order forms and return to your classroom teacher/school office with payment by the due date – a cover note will be attached to your catalogues letting you know the due date.

You can purchase books by cash or card. You can also go directly to our Scholastic link and purchase online.

Families who wish to purchase books to donate to Greensborough Primary School are most welcome to do so. Please check with your classroom teacher or our Librarian Ms Farley to see which titles are needed.

Canteen & Uniform Shop


Parents and Friends recognise that many students enjoy ordering a ‘special’ lunch and will be running several lunch days during the school year from Bakers Delight.

School Council will investigate further options for the canteen and if anyone is interested in running the canteen or knows someone with all the necessary food handling requirements please contact the office.

Uniform Shop

The school maintains a supply of the items of uniform that bear the school logo as well as green tracksuit pants and shorts. We also carry a supply of backpacks printed with the school logo. Other uniform items such as grey pants, shorts and summer dresses are readily available from large department stores such as Target, K Mart and Best and Less.

Premiers’ Reading Challenge

For over a decade the Premiers’ Reading Challenge has inspired children to read widely and discover the hidden joys within the pages of a book. In 2013, the Challenge expanded to include young children from birth to five, in recognition of the strong evidence base that shows reading to young children promotes brain development and language learning. The Challenge is not a competition; it’s a personal challenge for children up to Year 10 to read a set number of books over a set period of time. Children who complete the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement. Greensborough Primary School takes part in the Challenge and we encourage all children to take part.