Our School
Principal’s Message
Greensborough Primary takes great pride in providing a nurturing and supportive environment where every student is recognised for their strengths. Our guiding principle is to provide educational excellence through vibrant teaching and stimulating learning programs in an affirming, secure and structured learning environment.
The school operates on a philosophy of mutual respect between staff, students and community members. The promotion of student leadership roles and involvement in a rich and diverse curriculum promotes student engagement. Student wellbeing is a priority and our P.A.T.H.S. program promotes social, emotional intelligence which leads to increased confidence and student learning outcomes. Our Friendship Tree provides further opportunities to promote inclusivity and respect in engaging play activities during recess breaks.
We have an exceptionally large classroom in which our new Prep students learn and play. We strive to support Prep parents through the transition to school, and by offering “Starting To Read”, “Art For Tiny Tots”, “Stories At School” and “Sizzling Science” programs, the process has already begun well before your child has had their first day in the classroom.
The school offers specialist programs in the areas of Library, Visual Art/ICT, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Physical Education and Chinese Language. A swimming program is offered to all students Prep – Six.
We provide a developmental curriculum and a child centred approach that acknowledges that children learn at different rates and have preferred learning styles. We have Intervention classes in Literacy and Numeracy and Extension classes in Visual Arts, Coding, Literacy, Science/Robotics, Spelling and Magic Maths.
Our school buildings continue to be state of the art with flexible learning areas. We have large airy classrooms which open up onto outdoor learning areas, indoor wet areas, indoor ferneries and a purpose built library, visual arts classroom and hall all contained within the one architect designed building. Our heritage building is home to our STEM and Chinese programs. The school has a strong commitment to meeting the needs of 21st century learners, with high levels of learning technologies throughout the school, including electronic whiteboards, banks of ipads and notebooks, Robotics kits and Coding classes.
Our grounds are spacious and include many active and passive play areas comprising: three adventure playgrounds; two sand-pit areas; basketball and netball courts; a giant chess board set; a picturesque oval and an Outdoor Learning Space near our vegetable/herb garden, fruit orchard, compost and worm farm. A recent addition is the construction of a gagaball pit instigated and funded by our Junior School Council.
We are fortunate to have a caring and dedicated teaching team at Greensborough Primary School who believe in the school as a learning community and invest time and care into developing a learning and teaching program that meets the needs and challenges of every child.
Parental involvement is welcomed and can take many forms, ranging from assisting in classroom programs through to involvement with Parents and Friends Group or School Council. Parent involvement enables many educational activities to be undertaken that would otherwise be out of our reach.
I am delighted to lead the Greensborough Primary School community and would like to extend an invitation to prospective families to visit the school so that they can receive more detailed information about the innovative, supportive and individualised programs that the school offers as well as experience first-hand the nurturing community atmosphere that exists at the school.
Angela Morritt

Our Vision and Values
Our Philosophy
At Greensborough Primary School we pride ourselves on providing the best possible social, emotional and academic outcomes for every student in our care and we’re uncompromising in ensuring that every possible human and physical resource is utilised to maximise student achievement. A holistic approach to learning is adopted where the academic, physical, social, emotional and psychological needs of all children are taken into account underpinned by the values of Cooperation, Achievement, Respect and Empathy.
Our Vision
We provide the very best teaching and learning programs for our students that will assist them to grow emotionally, intellectually and physically in a safe, supportive and engaging learning environment. Our students are inspired to achieve their best in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation and to become lifelong learners.
Our Mission Statement
We continually improve procedures and practices at Greensborough Primary School so that every child has the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.

Our School Values
Our agreed values that form the basis for our learning are:
Our values are pivotal to the life of our school and the school community, and are embedded within student management and teaching and learning programs. Our excellent staff model these values and students who display the GPS values are recognized at assemblies with “Pupil Of The Week” awards.
We have a commitment to Child Safety and believe that all children have a right to feel safe and be safe, including at school. All staff, volunteers and School Council members are required to observe child safe principles and expectations for appropriate behavior towards and in the company of our students.
Reports, Plans & Policies
Accidents and Incidents policy
Administration Of Medication Policy
Care arrangements for ill students sample policy
Child Safety And Wellbeing Policy
Child Safety Code Of Conduct Policy
Child Safety Responding And Reporting Obligations Policy And Procedures
Internet Policy And Procedures
Mandatory Reporting Policy And Procedures
Onsite Supervision Policy And Procedures
Link to Department of Education & Training – Parent Payments Policy
Photographing Filming Recording Students Policy
Statement Of Values And School Philosophy Policy
Student Wellbeing And Engagement
Yard Duty And Supervision Policy
School History
“Teaming for Excellence” since 1878…
The land upon which Greensborough Primary School sits was traditionally owned by the Wurundjeri people.
Greensborough was first settled by Europeans in the 1840s and was named after Edward Green who bought the first township allotment. In 1854 the Greensborough Denominational School was opened out of a dire need to provide education for the children in the local area. In 1862 the school became known as the Common School No. 268, and the local population steadily grew.
In 1872 the Victorian Government passed the Education Act which would bring many changes to the education system. One such change was the designation of our school in 1878, to State School No. 2062. Our magnificent “Old School” building, perched at the corner of Grimshaw Street and The Circuit was contracted to be built and a certificate of completion was issued in May 1879. The building consisting of a school and head teacher’s residence was constructed at a cost of 979 pounds. At that time it educated around 30 students. The building is now heritage listed by the National Trust.
The school expanded over the years, and in the late 1970s it became apparent that the school needed to be rebuilt or relocated due to the expanding school population. The result was our large, sound-proofed tri-level school building and an increased amount of outdoor space in 1980.
More than 140 years of educating children, has seen many changes at Greensborough Primary School. Today our school is an array of bright and appealing classrooms, a lovely treed outdoor setting and an amazing school community.

Buildings & Grounds
Greensborough Primary has exceptional buildings and grounds which support the academic and social growth of all students in the school.
The school buildings have large classroom learning spaces which have the flexibility to be open-plan or classroom contained, dependent upon the curriculum focus or learning program being undertaken. Every classroom connects to an outdoor learning space and an indoor wet area with the provision of multiple withdrawal spaces to facilitate group collaborative learning and both extension and intervention programs.
In addition to classrooms, the main building has a large Library, Visual Arts room and Hall area with the Heritage Building housing the learning spaces for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Chinese and Instrumental Music programs.
Visitors to the school always comment on the tranquil, settled atmosphere in the school building, with the orderly learning environment being an ongoing focus and source of pride in the school.
The extensive outdoor areas give students the opportunities for recreational sporting activities as well as collaborative play areas, such as the large sandpits and Friendship Tree areas.